About this item
There is a flower in the Snapdragon family named "death rose". In ancient times this flower was thought to have supernatural powers. It offered protection from witchcraft and was believed to restore beauty and youthfulness. As it begins to wither and fade, the center of the flower looks like a skeleton. It is so cool!
The purple silk thread in this design was made especially for Death Rose by Treenway Silks. Gorgeous! and the purple pearls change to green in different lights. Really Spooky! Click on (enlarge) to see the beautiful inside of this piece.
Kit includes Wichelt 28 ct. linen, quilt cotton lining, specialty beads, Treenway silk fibers, Treenway silk ribbon, rayon ribbon, waxer, wooden ruler and thread winder, interfacing, stitch witchery, instructions and needles.