Who we are?

This is Renee giving you her best smile while standing behind the counter. Renee has been a life long friend, we go back to elementary school, and has been helping out in the store since the beginning...and...she is our in-house designer. All the Greeneframe pieces are hers. They are the most popular designs we sell and stitchers love to bring back pictures to show us all the ways they have used her designs (made into quilts, pillow, stand ups, etc.). Renee is also our Betsy Ross gal and loves to take designs for linen and turn them into large masterpieces using 10 ct. fabrics. She is a master of fibers when it comes to picking those out as well. She loves the Victorian pieces and many of Maureen Appleton's kits.
Pat is our newest arrival and started working Sea Trader but helps out in Salty Yarns. This is actually a very rare picture of Pat...usually she works without ever sitting down once during her shift. Pat is our go to for repairs....she can absolutely fix anything that's broken, or in need of repair in some way. I don't know how we got along without her all these years. She fits right in perfectly and we love having her with us. Pat is somewhat a "jack of all trades". She's done punch needle as well as counted cross stitch and she also knits.
Here's my Sara busy getting inventory in the computer. She's my right hand gal and I couldn't do anything without her. She's also in charge of the events here at Salty Yarns, so if you have questions...she's your "go-to" person. Sara also loves over-one, but stitches a variety of things between running Michael to all his activities. Sara really enjoys working with the different fibers as well, but is currently busy working on the Lauren Sauer June Class piece.

Join us
Those of us that work at Salty Yarns love our shop, our customers (regulars and visitors) and we love the fun projects we stitch as well as those our customers stitch and bring in to show. And more importantly, we know needlework and we love to share all we know as well as all we think we know.